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High Grade Open Pit Gold Mine Historic Resources with Free Milling Gold
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We have inherited this gold mine from our old prospector mate who recently passed away.
If we were a little younger, we would mine this ourselves and it is probably too small for the big mining companies, so have reluctantly decided to sell.
The mine is in the Murchison Goldfield of Western Australia. Historical records show it produced over 20,000ounces of gold from underground.
Previous geological reports and some of our own assaying suggest there’s an open-pittable high-grade zone of approx. 50,000tonnes from surface which is free dig.
There is a plentiful supply of good water from the underground workings for mining and processing.
Gold is in sub-vertical quartz reefs and is visible in the pan.
Drilling results including 15metres @ 50.9g/t gold is a bonanza zone waiting to be mined.
Other drill results indicate there is 127g/t gold about 6.5 metres from surface. I have confirmed the drill results by panning and assaying.
The lease is 287Hectares and in the middle there is a high-grade gold mineralised zone up to 15 metres wide and 200metres long.
RC Drilling results show assays up to 361g/t gold per tonne with many other high grade intercepts. Most of the underground workings have been backfilled with good gold grade material.
There are several options for treatment either onsite or at any of the gold processing operations within 40kms from the lease.
Geology reports show there are plenty of drill targets to look for more gold on the lease as well as deeper.
Contact WA Gold Geologist 0418193594 for further details.
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