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Uranium exploration equipment


Item 1 TENT with poles and pegs: Constructed from heavy duty material to my specifications. Designed to accommodate two field workers with a zippered opening to allow a 4x4 to park ‘inside’ a flap to give access to the rear storage space of the vehicle. Great for one person and work table. Item 2 MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY METER: Digital and analogue Manual included. Large electronic storage capacity and ability to upload to spreadsheet on laptop-very handy! Item 3 URANIUM CALIBRATION KIT: Laboratory Standards across wide range of U assay values used to calibrate instruments in the laboratory. Intended to be available for hand-held and down-hole radiation detection equipment and field XRF machines and for checking laboratory quality. Overcomes the problems of confidence in the different methods. Item 3b U calibration kit results. A suite of different rock type samples each of which was assayed by a variety of methods for comparison and selection of appropriate sample preparation. Helps to decide the appropriate preparatory and analytical method. Item 4 Vertical large plan file: Will safely store your largest plans-the ones you usually roll up and pile in the corner! Item 5 & 6 Iridium sat phones: Practical field guides and manuals and accesories. Item 7 & 8 HP iPAQs: Very useful for field logging especially of drill holes using the codes we developed-remember?. Item 9 Coleman hot water system: Pure luxury! Item 10 OzTrail ensuite Dome: Essential privacy if working with two genders in camp. Item 11 GasMate Lantern and bottles: very useful. Itm 12 EPIRB: Standard-you will have to check it before going into the field...
